Thursday, June 2, 2016

Preparing for Information Technology Career Opportunities

Preparing for Information Technology Career Opportunities

There are many things you can do to prepare to enter a degree program in information technology. First off, it is very important to gain as much experience using computers as possible prior to enrolling. There are many ways to go about this, from taking computer classes, to having friends show you how to use different computer applications, to surfing the Internet in your free time.

Many people interested in information technology will join Internet chat rooms or receive e-mail newsletters that discuss the changes in technology and the latest breakthroughs in computer science. This helps the student get used to staying abreast of the latest technologies in their industry, allowing them to more effectively make decisions regarding what hardware and software to use. Knowing what is available to you is just as important as anything else in information technology.

If you are enrolling in an information technology college degree right out of high school, it is important to take the right high school classes to prepare yourself. If the college you are considering is a typical liberal arts college, they will require a minimum number of Math, Science, Social Studies, and English courses prior to admission. Make sure you meet these prerequisites before you send in your application fee.

Technical institutes may not require general education courses, but they might require you to have some proficiency with computers and networks. This means that you should definitely take as many computer courses as your high school offers if you plan on going to a technical institute for information technology. Some high schools offer free after school or summer courses for those interested in learning about computers in their spare time.

Many schools also have computer clubs or give students with proficiency in computers the opportunity to do supervised work at the school's information technology help desk. Getting a job in the computer industry, whether the position is sales or service oriented, is also an excellent way to gain valuable computer experience and information.

What Can You Do With an Information Technology Degree?

What Can You Do With an Information Technology Degree?

Computer Marketing
Having knowledge of computers can also help you sell them. Knowing the ins and outs of a quality product, and what specific things make it perform better than the competitor's product can be an essential selling tool in today's computer market. As computer buyers become more informed, their decisions are often based on whether the individual attempting to sell them the computer can satisfactorily answer their questions.

Buyers need to be convinced that the model computer they are purchasing will fulfill their needs. To them, it is an investment, and the computer marketer needs to know his or her stuff to sell them a product that will meet their needs and expectations, thereby making them repeat customers.

Technical Consultant
Some smaller companies do not have the means or the need to keep a full time technical support team on staff. These companies will often hire technical consultants, either as an independent contractor or through a consultation firm. These individuals charge a specific rate and temporarily aid the company as they set up a new computer system or update their current system. The consultants work with the company to decide what hardware and software is right for the needs of the company. After the system is installed, they aid in training the employees and provide temporary technical support to the company.

Computer Programmer
If an individual has an inclination for programming languages, they can make a good career out of being a computer programmer. Computer programmers take specific instructions and design parameters and translate them into a language the computer can understand. This means that the programmer must have very good communication skills, as they must understand what their employer wants and then tell the computer exactly how to do it. Programmers usually know more than one programming language, including Visual Basic, JAVA, and C++.

Information Technology Trainer
As schools expand their information technology training facilities, more teachers will be needed to train the expanding technology workforce. Information technology trainers will work in the classroom and the computer lab to give students the skills they need to enter the technology industry with confidence. Information technology trainers are being integrated into public school systems at the elementary and high school levels, as well as in undergraduate college programs, so information technology trainers will be able to train whatever age group they feel most comfortable with.

Types of Information Technology Degrees

Types of Information Technology Degrees

Degree programs in information technology vary widely depending on the institution issuing the degree. Some places offer certificate courses in specialized areas of information technology, while other, more traditional institutions offer Associate, Bachelor, and Master's Degree programs designed to produce a more well-rounded student with knowledge in many different areas of information technology.

Deciding on what type of program is right for you can be difficult. The most important thing is to research the programs you are considering prior to applying, keeping in mind the costs involved and how sure you are that this the right career path for you.

Is a Degree in Information Technology Right for You?

Is a Degree in Information Technology Right for You?

Knowledge of information technology can help almost anyone advance in his or her career. But is this course of study the correct choice for you?

First, you must be interested in computers and the ways they can help make communications more effective. The possibilities of what computers can do for industry have just started to become evident. Once people realize those possibilities, they tend to change their cynical attitudes toward computer technology.

Students who pursue college degrees in information technology tend to be natural problem solvers. While computers help streamline business to an amazing degree, they can also slow things down if they aren't working properly. Thinking on your feet, being able to identify, locate, and fix problems in a timely fashion are important skills for working professionals in the information technology industry.

People who work in information technology often work in an environment where they are the only ones who know the ins and outs of the computer system. This means that they have to be able to communicate with their less computer-savvy colleagues in a clear, patient fashion. This requires good people skills and excellent communication abilities, whether it is in-person, over the phone, or via e-mail.

Information technology professionals also tend to spend a lot of time at the keyboard and in front of the computer screen. This means having good manual dexterity, typing skills, and hand-eye coordination. Students who pursue a degree in information tend to already have these skills. If they don't, they tend to develop them quite rapidly.

A major in information technology is suitable for people for all ages at any stage of their career. Recent high school graduates will already have a familiarity with computers, having grown up in the dawn of the computer age. Working adults that did not grow up with computers can give themselves a unique edge over others their own age, while also staying competitive with younger generations of computer-savvy college graduates.

Here are some examples of the skills and characteristics people enrolled in information technology degree programs typically possess:
  • Troubleshooting
  • Problem solving
  • Typing skills
  • Communication abilities
  • Computer literacy
  • Patience
  • Manual dexterity
  • Logical thinking
  • Critical thinking
  • Creative thinking
  • Technical writing skills
  • Interest in changing and developing technologies

What Does it Mean to Study Online Information Technology?

What Does it Mean to Study Online Degree Information Technology?

         A degree in information technology can prepare you for an exciting career in a variety of industries. As information technology (IT) plays an increasingly important role in business, employers search for skilled workers with experience in handling information technology hardware and software.

Whether you are a student graduating directly from high school or a working professional yearning for upward mobility, the right technology degree program waits for you. From traditional colleges and universities to accredited online and distance learning degree programs, you can take advantage of educational opportunities that suit every budget and schedule.

So, what is information technology? IT is the study of how computers process and manage all manner of information. IT professionals work in all manner of industries, designing hardware, software, communications networks, Internet applications, and more. Because of the broad range of opportunities available to information technology professionals, a degree in information technology can help nearly anyone with an interest in computers find a job they are qualified for in an industry they find exciting.

Students who earn information technology degrees can excel at a variety of jobs right out of college. Graduates with strong people skills can work at in information technology services help desk or at a customer service call center. Creative specialists can design microchips or new software. Skilled multi-tankers can juggle the management of an entire computer network for a company.

The broad information technology field allows students to bring their general computer knowledge into a variety of specialized niches. The world of information technology is always growing and changing, so learning how to keep up with the pace of technology is one of the most important things students learn when enrolled in a degree program.

The fast pace at which technology changes means that many different types of people are required to specialize in a variety of different areas, providing plenty of opportunity for everyone. It is much easier to keep up with one aspect of technology than with all of them. Therefore, it is important for specialists in different fields to communicate with each other.

Working professionals in any industry can benefit from information technology training. Staying current on trends in technology and the changing online environment can increase job security and upward mobility. Employers consider people with advanced computer knowledge and experience an essential part of keeping their company competitive in the Internet age.

Imagine this scenario: Two men work for a large corporate construction materials supplier. Both men have been at the company for the same number of years, and both are committed, dedicated workers. A managerial position has opened up, and both are under consideration for the promotion. The men seem equally qualified as far as experience, attitude, and dedication. But, one man recently earned an accredited online degree in information technology. Which employee do you think will get the promotion?

A degree in information technology won't get you every promotion you want, but it can give you the edge you need over others competing for the same position. No matter what industry you work in, you can rest assured that your company uses information technology in a number of ways. From streamlining order-processing systems to increasing customer service, information technology is moving to the forefront of industry in general.

Designing and managing Web sites is another thing students can learn while enrolled in a degree program in information technology. Knowledge of website design can help you earn money in your spare time designing Web sites for small businesses or individuals. It can even help you start your own web-based business, so you can be your own boss!

Important Criteria to Choose a Distance Learning Programmer

 Important Criteria to Choose a Distance Learning Programmer

     The range of distance learning programmed can be overwhelming. As distance learning is continuously gaining popularity this number is increasing steadily. This article gives an overview of important criteria for choosing a distance learning programmer.

1) Accreditation
Only accredited and nationally recognized distance learning programmed lead to an academic degree and are accepted as such at your future employer. For this reason, it is very important to inform yourself carefully about the recognition of your distance learning programmer. First of all, your desired study programmer has to be accredited by a recognized accreditation agency. This agency investigates if the different subjects are combined and coordinated in a meaningful and sensible way that ensures academic standards as well as the practical relevance of the study programmer. The national recognition is usually done by the Ministry of Education or a similar authority. Note that there can be differences between countries. In Germany for example, the 18 states (Blunderbuss) are independently responsible for the recognition of universities and their study programmed. Besides the accreditation and the national recognition, there are other quality labels and certificates that can give an indication of the quality of the education.

2) Flexibility
   One of the most important reasons for distance learning is the higher flexibility compared to a conventional on-campus programmer. This is why distance learning enables you to combine your career with pursuing a degree more easily. However, there are various differences regarding the flexibility depending on which university and which distance learning programmer you choose. When deciding on a distance learning programmer you should therefore carefully inform yourself in order to make the best decision for you.Does the university have a fixed semester schedule or can you follow the programmer more flexible? How often does the university have on-site attendance and are those fixed or flexible? Some distance learning universities offer several dates and locations for the compulsory on-site meetings, so that you can choose the ones that are most convenient for you. You should not underestimate that on-site meetings are often leading to high additional costs for travelling, accommodation and can take up a lot of your already scarce time. Ideally, the on-site meetings should match your work schedule and be close to your home to avoid long and expensive travel times.
3) Tuition fees
When choosing your distance learning programmer, you should pay attention that you get good value for money. Distance learning programmed are usually a bit cheaper than study programmed on location. However, you should keep in mind that there might be extra costs such as for study material or travelling and accommodation costs for on-site meetings.

As studying besides your job can be quite demanding, you might want to consider reducing your working time from full-time to part-time. This gives you more time to focus on your studies but you have also to cope with a reduction of your income. In combination with high tuition fees, that can quickly lead to financial problems. Some distance learning institutions recognized this issue and offer suitable financing options. It is worth to take those into account when deciding for the right distance learning programmer.

4) Personal support and service
The quality of personal assistance is a very important factor when choosing a distance learning programmer and often decides about success or failure of your studies. Depending on your studies and the distance learning institution there can be major differences regarding the quality and kind of personal support provided. When can you reach the lecturers? Is it easy possible to arrange flexible personal appointments if needed? Is there personal support for the exercises and during the exam preparation? Are questions answered immediately or do you have to wait for an answer several days? All these factors have to fit your personal learning needs and preferences. Thereby, staying motivated is an important factor! If you are working full-time besides your studies, it is for example important that personal assistance is also offered in the evenings or at the weekend.

5) Study material and the digital learning environment
For distance learning education, the quality of the study material and the digital learning environment are even more important than for conventional studies. A motivating learning environment with diverse and interactive tasks, videos, quizzes etc. can improve your study success considerably. In order to stay in contact with your fellow students, many digital learning environments offer social platforms and a virtual campus that enable you to work together and support each other. Many distance learning institutions offer free test lectures. This can help you to get familiar with the different learning environments and to decide, which one fits best to your personal preferences.

Online Degrees: Advantages and Disadvantages

Online Degrees: Advantages and Disadvantages

     Getting an online degree through distance learning is an option that has become possible because of the increased availability of the Internet throughout the world. However, what are the actual benefits and disadvantages of distance education or online school?

Potential Benefits: The most compelling reasons for trying to get an online degree are time and money. With an online course, you can enroll in a class, do assignments on the Internet, and even communicate with classmates in chat rooms or on bulletin boards. Technology has even reached the point where students can interact with other students and the teacher through high-quality web conferencing. All of these activities can be done from the comfort of your home or laptop: any time, any place.

Second, getting such a degree can, in some cases, be cheaper because you don't have to pay associated costs related to an overseas adventure: airfare, housing, local transportation, etc.

Potential Disadvantages: For all these benefits, there are a number of obstacles to this kind of learning. Above all else, you have to consider how a degree from an online school will be received by future employers. In some countries, companies might feel that the academic standards of such an online institution are not as challenging or rigorous as a regular residency program.

Second, you probably won't have face-to-face contact with other students since everything is online. Such contact is very important in learning how to deal with many aspects of non-verbal communication that aren't obvious in an online chat room.

Talk with family, friends, and classmates who have had experience with both options, but be careful: their comments might be somewhat biased by good and bad experiences.

One final note: There are many online educational opportunities, and chances are that you will be able to start training in that profession online even if you are living in Europe. Talk about getting the education you want and deserve! 

Advantages to Taking Online Classes

 Advantages to Taking Online Classes

           The current challenges facing traditional colleges and universities, including higher tuition, budget cuts, and course shortages, have caused many students to search for alternatives. With nearly three million students currently enrolled in fully online degree programs  and six million taking at least one online course as part of their degree program, online education has clearly become one of the most popular higher education alternatives. The continually improving reputation of online learning has also helped fuel its expansion, as initial skepticism has faltered in the face of evidence that shows that online learning can be just as effective as face-to-face education.

        All of this means that students, from working professionals to recent high school graduates, find many reasons to take all or some of their courses online. Below are  advantages to online learning.

Variety of programs and courses: From traditional four-year universities to completely online career colleges, higher education today offers a variety of options for students. This means that no matter what students wish to study, from nursing to neuroscience, they can find online the courses or degree programs they need. They can also earn every academic degree online, all the way from a career certificate to a doctorate.

Lower total costs: Online programs can be a more affordable option than traditional colleges. Though not all online degrees have less expensive net tuition prices than traditional colleges (link to OEDB article I wrote about college costs), associated costs are almost always less expensive. For example, there are no commuting costs, and sometimes there is also not any required course materials such as textbooks because those are often available for free online. In addition, many colleges and universities have begun to accept credits earned via free massive open online courses (MOOCs), the most recent advance in online education. Free online courses such as these can help students fulfill general education requirements at little to no cost.

More comfortable learning environment: Commercials that featuring online students studying in the pajamas only skim the surface of one of the primary benefits of online education: there are no physical class sessions. Lectures and other materials are electronically sent to the student, who will then read them and complete assignments. Students will not have to fight traffic, find parking spaces, leave work early to go to class, or miss important family time.

Convenience and flexibility: Online courses give students the opportunity to plan their study time around the rest of their day, instead of the other way around. Students can study and work when they are at their peak energy, whether that’s early morning or late at night. Course material is always accessible online, so there’s no need to schedule special trips to a library either. All of this makes online learning a good option for students who need to balance their work and family commitments.

More interaction and greater ability to concentrate: While there is contradictory evidence about the rate of online student participation versus participation in traditional courses, one thing is certain: online courses offer shy or more reticent students the opportunity to participate in class discussions or chats with more ease than face-to-face class sessions. Some students even report that online courses are easier to concentrate in because they are not distracted by other students and classroom activity.

Career advancement: Students can take online courses and even complete entire degrees while working, while in-between jobs, or while taking time to raise a family. This academic work will explain any discontinuity or gaps in a resume as well. Also, earning a degree can show prospective employers that you are ambitious and want to remain informed and prepared for any new challenges.

Continue in your profession: Even if someone wants to complete a degree program, it doesn’t mean that they want to leave their current job. For most students today, college costs mean that it’s necessary to continue working while in school. The previously mentioned flexibility of online degree programs enable students to keep working while also pursuing academic credentials.

Avoid commuting: During snowstorms and thunderstorms, colleges may cancel classes; if they don’t, you run the risk of getting hurt in dangerous driving conditions. Rather than miss important class sessions, students in online courses can always “attend” by participating on discussion boards or in chat sessions, turn in their work on time, and watch lectures or read materials. Many students also find that the amount they save on fuel costs can be substantial if they don’t have to commute to a physical campus in general, no matter what the weather conditions may be.

Improve your technical skills: Even the most basic online course requires the development of new computer skills, as students learn to navigate different learning management systems (LMS) and programs. The skills students learn to participate in their online courses translate to many professions, including creating and sharing documents, incorporating audio/video materials into your assignments, completing online training sessions, etc.

Transfer credits: For college students who want to attend summer classes, but who live too far from their colleges or have to work summer jobs, taking online classes from an accredited college and transferring the credits to their primary college is a good idea. Students will be able to earn college credit while still enjoying their summer vacation or fulfilling the responsibilities of their seasonal jobs. Similarly, if a college or university is unable to offer enough open sections of a required course, students can take the course online at another college and transfer the credits.

These are just a few of the many advantages of taking online classes. Students in online degree programs are able to manage their time, learn the materials that are presented, and complete assignments on their own schedules.

Computer Information Systems Online Degree Overview

Computer Information Systems Online Degree Overview

    Computer Information Systems (CIS) gives you the tools not only to enter a career in Computer Information Systems, but to keep up with the technology as it changes. This degree program uses a cutting-edge curriculum in information technology, project management, and business systems to help you meet the demands of the fast-paced and challenging field of Computer Information Systems.

Offered through the College of Business Department of Computer Information Systems, this program trains you in the methods needed to keep information flowing through organizations, improving efficiency, effectiveness, and profitability. You will be on the front lines of technology, keeping business operations running smoothly by managing databases, networks, and websites, or even training employees on how to utilize the most recent innovations.

This program offers:

Excellent job placement: Nearly 100% of the graduates of this master's program are placed in the IT field.

High salary potential: Computer Information Systems graduates have some of the highest starting salaries among majors at Colorado State University.

Flexibility: Study full- or part-time, with degree completion in as little as three semesters or with the flexibility to take up to 5 years.

Opportunity: Move into a new career or strengthen your position in your current career as the program is designed for both non-IT and IT professionals.

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Recognizing an Effective Online Education Program

Recognizing an Effective Online Education Program

With so many online education degree programs offered by private and public institutions of all sizes, it is important to be able to identify signs of an effective program before enrolling. There are a number of qualities shared by well-established education programs. Let’s take a look at four ways to find a strong online education program.

Opportunities for Specialization
Educators work in a wide range of roles, as teachers, principals, superintendents, college instructors and more. Even within a school, educators can specialize in one subject area, such as reading, special education or social studies. An effective online teaching program takes this into consideration by offering multiple areas of specialization so that educators can further define their focus.

State Licensing Preparation
In Addition to meeting a number of formal education requirements, all public school teachers must be licensed or certified in their state. An education degree program should offer assistance navigating the often complex teacher censurer regulations. It should also fully prepare graduates for obtaining state censurer and certification after graduation.

Student Support
No matter which online teaching and education degree program a student is enrolled in, support is the key to success. For example, students benefit from being assigned an online academic adviser who can guide them through the process of online learning and answer questions that arise along the way. In addition, virtual tools are essential to an online program because students need to be able to access materials 24/7 and communicate with instructors on a regular basis. Finally, faculty support is important. An experienced and well-educated can make a big difference in the quality of education received at an online college or university. Accreditation Accreditation is critical to all higher education programs, whether offered on-campus or online. In the U.S., institutional accreditation is handled by one of six regional agencies. In addition, education degree programs can receive academic accreditation by the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE). When choosing an online education degree program, it is important to make sure the college or university is fully accredited both institutionally and academically.

Master’s Degree in Education Online – Six Years

Master’s Degree in Education Online – Six Years

      According to the National Center for Education Statistics, 52 percent of public school teachers have a master’s degree or higher. All master’s degree in education students must have a bachelor’s degree in some area. However, there are two types of graduate students who enroll in online education degree programs. First, there are the licensed teachers with classroom experience who want to expand their knowledge and develop advanced teaching skills. Second, there are individuals without classroom experience who want to pursue initial certification at the same time as they earn a master’s degree in education. Learn what it takes to earn an online master’s in education or teaching, see the best programs available today, and read about popular specializations and more.

Doctor of Education Online – Eight+ Years

    A Doctor of Education in Educational Leadership (Ed D) prepares students to strategically manage and lead complex education organizations in the areas of budgeting, teacher management and operations. Many graduates go on to careers in educational policy, research and school district administration. Some programs allow doctoral students to specialize in a specific area such as curriculum and instruction or educational technology. Get in-depth guidance and explore online PhD s in teaching.

Bachelor’s Degree Online – Four Years

Bachelor’s Degree Online – Four Years

   The online bachelor’s degree in education and teaching expands on concepts introduced at the associate level in order to prepare students for professional license and classroom teaching. Because there are so many specialties within the field of education, colleges and universities offer a many types of online teaching degrees, such as:

Bachelor’s in elementary education: This degree is for students without prior education experience who want to teach at the elementary level. Some schools offer a Bachelor of Arts in Interdisciplinary Studies (K-8) with a comparable curriculum. Elementary education programs blend academic theory with relevant coursework, field experiences and student teaching to prepare students for censurer.
Bachelor’s in early childhood education: Students without prior teaching experience who want to work with children specifically in grades per-K through grade 3 have the option of earning an early childhood education degree. The curriculum focuses on skills needed to shape the academic, social and cognitive skills of young children in the classroom while preparing students in the program for license.

Bachelor’s in special education: To become a special education teacher and work with children who have mild to moderate disabilities, students must earn a special education degree. In fact, many public school districts require special education teachers to have dual censurer in elementary education and special education.

Bachelor’s in education: other degrees: Students can earn online education and teaching bachelor’s degrees with specializations in core subject areas such as math, science, and English. Some institutions also offer bachelor’s degrees in education that focus on technology, foreign language and other subjects.

No matter which online education program in which a student enrolls, there are certain courses they all have in common. These courses provide students with the foundation skills and academic knowledge to be competent and effective educators in any classroom. Below are a few examples of some of the core teaching courses included in years three and four of a bachelor’s in education degree:

Instructional strategies: Focuses on effective instructional planning and the development of lesson using a variety of approaches and technologies. Strategies covered include teaming, skill shaping, motivation, adaptation and inclusion.

Foundations for education: Examines what it means to be a teacher in terms of society’s expectations and challenges and the way students think about social structures by providing a historical and sociological perspective of education.

Child development: Covers physical, social, emotional, intellectual and language theories of development in children from conception through adolescence. Areas of study include differences in brain development, temperament and biology.

The exceptional child: Provides an overview of teaching exceptional children with emphasis on methods and materials for integrating students into the general classroom. Coursework includes legislation relating to individuals with disabilities. 

Classroom and behavior management: Introduces best practices in classroom management including organization, student behavior, and making transitions. Also includes an overview of federal and state laws pertaining to the classroom.

 In order to graduate with an online teaching degree and qualify for teacher censurer, a student teaching internship must be successfully completed. Student teaching is a full-time instructional experience closely supervised by a college adviser and an experienced classroom teacher trained to be part of the program. Student teachers typically spent eight to twelve weeks in one or more traditional classroom settings, honing the skills learned in their online education and teaching program. In online teaching programs, student teachers are placed in the appropriate grade level in a public school district or independent private school based on their major and previous placements. For example, elementary education majors usually have the opportunity to student teach in a primary grade (K-2) and an intermediate grade (4-6). Even though it doesn’t come with a paycheck, student teaching is a challenging full-time job. Student teachers generally arrive in the morning well before the class comes in and don’t leave until long after the children leave for the day. Before and after-school time is spent planning and collaborating with the cooperating teacher.The two main responsibilities of a student teacher are preparing and presenting daily lesson plans. Cooperating teachers help them to ease into teaching duties a little at a time. By the end of the internship, student teachers are completely integrated and have total control of instructional time. Student teaching is an important component of an online education and teaching degree program, providing hands-on experience and the opportunity to network with other educators in the school system.

Online Education and Teaching Degree

Online Education and Teaching Degree

              Everyone follows their own unique career path. For that reason, students enter online teaching and education degree programs from many different starting points, depending on where they are and where they want to be. With so many options available, it is important for students to understand all of the opportunities open to them in an online teaching program. This timeline identifies the various steps from associate degree to doctorate, and looks at the decisions to be made along the way.Associate Degree Online – Two Years An online associate degree in teaching and education serves as a great first step, and can help students prepare for introductory careers such as teaching assistant and teacher’s aide. Prospective students can choose from a wide range of associate degree programs in education, including early childhood, elementary education, special education and K-12, depending on their area of interest. In addition to sharpening critical thinking and writing skills with general courses in humanities and sciences, students learn fundamental teaching principles by taking courses in child development, literacy, child psychology and educational technology.Many students pursue an associate degree with the intention of transferring to a bachelor’s program after graduation. Although this can be a cost-effective way to earn an undergraduate degree, it is important to meet with an academic adviser at both institutions as early as possible. Academic advisers can identify which courses students should take and provide tips that will simplify the transfer process later on.